вівторок, 21 квітня 2020 р.


З Інтернету: https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1888257/post368701866/

Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):
Chain stitch – ch
Slip stitch – sl.st
Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc
Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc
Half tr/ half dc - h.tr/h.dc
Double tr / treble – d.tr / tr
Picot of 3ch – picot
Stitch – st
Row 1: Make 9ch and * 10 ch, sl.st in 10th ch from hook.
Work in ring of 10ch: 1dc/sc, 1h.tr/h.dc, 2tr/dc, 4d.tr/tr, 5ch, 1dc/sc, 5ch, 4d.tr/tr, 2tr/dc,1h.tr/h.dc, 1dc/sc; rep from * 2 times more.
Then work for stem 1dc/sc in each of the next 9ch.
** Turn and work 5ch, 1dc/sc in first top of third leaf, 4ch, 1dc/sc in next top of the same leaf, 17ch, * 10 ch, sl.st in 10th ch from hook.
Work in ring of 10ch: 1dc/sc, 1h.tr/h.dc, 2tr/dc, 4d.tr/tr. Make joining to previous trefoil: work 1dc/sc in top of second leaf.
Then work 5ch, 1dc/sc, 5ch, 4d.tr/tr, 2tr/dc,1h.tr/h.dc, 1dc/sc; rep from * 2 times more without joining to previous trefoil.
Then work for stem 1dc/sc in each of the next 9ch; rep from** until you have reached your desired length of edging.
Turn and work 5ch, 1dc/sc in first top of third leaf, 4ch, 1dc/sc in next top of the same leaf, turn.
Row 2: 3ch, 1tr/dc in next st, 1ch, skip 1ch, repeat presiding step 4 more times. * Work 1tr/dc in dc/sc of the stem below, 1picot, skip 1st, ** 1tr/dc in next st, 1ch, skip 1ch; rep from ** 8 more times; rep from *. Work 1tr/dc in dc/sc of the stem below, 1picot, 1tr/dc in 1st ch of the 1st row. Fasten off.
Row 3: Work of the opposite side of the edging. Fasten to top of the first leaf, make 1ch and 1dc/sc in the same space, * 9ch, 1dc/sc in the top of the next leaf; rep from *, turn.
Row 4: Make 1ch, * 1dc/sc in dc/sc below, 5ch, skip 4ch, 1dc/sc in next ch, 5ch ;rep from *, 1dc/sc in last dc/sc below, turn.
Row 5: Make 5ch, * 1dc/sc in space of 5ch, 3tr/dc in dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 6ch, sl.st in 4th ch from hook, 2ch; rep from *, 1dc/sc in space of 5ch, 3tr/dc in dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3ch, 1tr/dc in dc/sc below.

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