середа, 22 квітня 2020 р.


З Інтернету: https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/klarkia/post372695314/

Techniques used in this pattern (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Slip stitch – sl.st

Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc

Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc

Double treble / Treble – d.tr / tr

Picot - picot

Stitch – st


Make 8ch, sl.st in last ch.

Round 1: Make 3ch, 23tr/dc in ring of 8 ch and sl.st in 3rd ch.

Round 2: Make 4ch, work 1tr/dc + 1ch in back loop of each of the next tr/dc below, sl.st in 3rd ch and sl.st in space of 4ch.

Round 3: Work 5ch, work 2 incomplete d.tr/tr in space of 4ch,

yarn over and draw yarn thrown all loops on the hook.

Make 4ch. * Yarn over the hook 3 times, insert the hook in next space (of 1ch), work incomplete d.tr/tr (3 loops on the hook), work more 2 incomplete d.tr/tr in the same space ( 5 loops on the hook),

yarn over and draw yarn through 4 loops on your hook,

yarn over and draw through all loops on the hook,

make 3 ch; rep from * more 22 times, work sl.st in 1st ch (of 4ch) and sl.st in space of 4ch.

Round 4: Make 1ch and 1dc/sc in space of 4ch, * 4ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch; rep from * more 22 times, make 4ch, sl.st in 1st ch.

Join-As-You-Go Motifs:

Work in last round { 2ch, 1dc/sc in space of 4ch of another motif, 1ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch} instead { 4ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch}. Make this step 3 times.

Make motifs until you have reached your desired length of edging.

Lower edge:

Start working from the back side of the edging. Fasten to the 10th hole making 1ch and 1dc/sc in this hole, then work next:

Row 1: Make 5ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 4ch, { * 5ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 4ch; rep from * more 7 times, 3 ch, 1dc/sc in space of 4ch of another motif. } Repeat the preceded step in { }, but work [1ch, 1tr/dc in next space of 4ch] instead [3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 4ch of another motif] at the end of the row. Turn.

Row 2: Make 3ch, 1tr/dc in space of 1ch, { 1dc/sc in space of 5ch, 8ch, *1dc/sc in space of 5ch, 6ch; rep from* more 4 times, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 8 ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3tr/dc in space of 3ch}. Repeat the preceded step in { }, but work [1tr/dc in space of 5ch, 1tr/dc in4th ch] instead [3tr/dc in space of 3ch] at the end of the row. Turn.

Row 3: Make 3ch, { 1dc/sc in space of 8ch, *work |1ch + 1tr/dc| in next space of 6 ch 7 times, 1ch, 1dc/sc in next space; rep from * more 2 times}. Repeat the preceded step in { } over the next motifs, work 1tr/dc in 3rd ch at the end of the row.

Row 4: Make 3ch, work {1 tr/dc + 1ch – 3 times} in each space of 1ch. Make 1tr/dc in 3rd ch at the end of the row. Fasten off.

Upper edge:

Start the same as for the Lower edge.

Row 5: Repeat Row 1 of the lower edge.

Row 6: Make 3ch, 1tr/dc in space of 1ch, { 1dc/sc in space of 5ch, 8ch, 1tr/dc in space of 5ch, 3ch, 1h.tr/h.dc in next space of 5ch, 3ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3ch, 1dc/sc in next space, 3ch, 1h.tr/h.dc in next space, 3ch, 1tr/dc in next space, 8ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3tr/dc in space of 3ch}. Repeat the preceded step in { }, but work [1tr/dc in space of 5ch, 1tr/dc in4th ch] instead [3tr/dc in space of 3ch] at the end of the row. Turn.

Row 7: Make 5ch, work 4dc/sc in each space of 3ch and 8ch, 1d.tr/tr in 3rd ch at the end of the row, turn.

Row 8: Make 2ch, * 1dc/sc in back loop of each of the next 4dc/sc below, 6ch; rep from *, 1dc/sc in back loop of each of the next 4dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in 5th ch, turn.

Row 9: Make 5ch, * sl.st in space of 6ch, 3ch; rep from *, 1tr/dc in 2nd ch, turn.

Row 10: Make 2ch, work 4dc/sc in space of 3ch. * work triple picot: make 5ch, insert your hook through 2 loops of last dc/sc (see pictures)

and work sl.st, make 7ch and sl. st in the same space, make 5 ch and sl.st in the same space. Then work 4dc/sc in each of the next 2 spaces of 3ch; rep from * to the end of the row. Fasten off.

Bobble(middle part):

Make 5ch and join it to the ring making sl.st in last ch. Work 12 dc/sc in this ring and s.st in 1st dc/sc.

Then continue work 40 – 50 dc/sc over the ring until you get your desired volume of bobble.

On THIS PAGE you can find the more detailed tutorial how to make such bobble.

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